About US

Bunda Morula Surabaya (previously known as RSIA Pusura Tegalsari) is part of Morula IVF Indonesia.

We provides VIP facilities with international standards that provide comfort to patients and become one of the best Moms & Baby Hospital in Surabaya.​

Professional Staff:​
High-quality and reliable service standards in all situations for your safety and comfort​.

Qualified Doctors:​
Academics with special skills and competence, particularly in the field of fertilization.​

Emergency Response:​
Prompt and accurate handling for the safety and comfort of patients.​

Our Vision

“Menjadi pusat unggulan Rumah Sakit Ibu dan anak dalam pelayanan Fertilitas yang professional, inovatif, dan berbasis teknologi di Indonesia”

Our Mission

1. Memberikan pelayanan fertilitas secara paripurna dengan mudah, aman, dan berhasil.

2. Memberikan pelayanan fertilitas secara holistic dengan pendekatan medis, psikologi, dan spiritual.

3. Meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu dan anak yang menjamin mutu dan keselamatan pasien berbasis teknologi.

4. Mengembangkan SDM yang professional dan berkembang secara berkesinambungan.

Our Motto

New Hospital Concept, Better Health

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We come with a long history

Year Milestone
Pusura Medical Clinic​
Year Milestone
RSIA Pusura Tegalsari
Year Milestone
Accredited by​ Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS)​
Year Milestone
Acquired by Morula IVF Indonesia​
Year Milestone
Operational with IVF as Center of Excellence​

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